People who requested to see the police report:
Kirk Mitchell (Denver Post)
Edward Williams (KDNK)
Lindy Foust (CBS)
Cathy Rhodes (?)
Tawny Fritzinger (?)
Who are Cathy Rhodes and Tawny Fritzinger? Cathy Rhodes requested to see the police report on September 28, 2012 and Tawny Fritzinger requested to view it on December 4, 2012. Both ladies made the request via email. The police report was released to Rhodes on October 1, 2012 and then to Fritzinger on December 5, 2012.
We are not saying that these two ladies are responsible for the report getting leaked to the public, as we are not saying they are responsible for whoever edited it and falsified information to make it look like Keenan is innocent. It just seems very odd.
Just so you know we have the uncensored police report that does include both Keenan Vanginkel and Brooke Harris' names and it will be published shortly.